Nobody likes corruption. This cancer should be stopped. I don’t think anybody will be averse of any reasonable strong act which does not violate fundamental of constitution. I feel present government have willingness to do that. We should applause them for RTI Act. I don’t know about Anna because he never held any elected / selected post where I can put parameter to gauge. But, uptill now, I can say ManMohan Singh is honest, sincere, educated, learned and visionary. If anyone doubts him, we should investigate that man first.
Corruption is there since the beginning of human civilization in one way or the other, not all of sudden in ManMohan tenure. To find a solution of corruption we need to think logically as why it exists. Corruption is a natural consequence of disparity of economic conditions in a country like ours. Neither, honest and sincere ManMohan Singh / or clean and hardworking Sonia Gandhi is route cause of corruption; nor Kapil Sibbal. Most of Indian are directly or in directly involved in various mode of corruption themselves.
I can understand and sympathize with Anna and his true supporter’s frustration over corruption. They have every right to protest against any grievance and should not tolerate corruption. A reasonable appeal and protest can be made to enact any useful law to encounter corruption. As my responsibility of being Indian citizen I do support any movement against corruption, but it should not be against the government rather against the entire system, which includes even us. But Anna is conveying that get ENACT HIS LOKPAL BILL EVEN PARLIAMENT REJECT. This is objectionable, obnoxious, unacceptable and unconstitutional besides being irrational. I support strong and harsh LOKPAL provided it is within four corner of constitution and practically possible. But they should not rule over the head of the elected government. I know they can not, but are trying to shake one of the pillar of constitution. Of course Anna can fast unto death against corruption, but he cannot fast unto death saying ENACT HIS LOKPAL (non-constitutional authority) EVEN PARLIAMENT REJECT.
Most important to remember is “END SHOULD JUSTIFY THE MEANS”-this is thumb rule of fair play. Which Anna missed. Following Modi (the most corrupt), RSS, VHP, BJP and allied are supporting Anna’s LOKPAL movement. I BOLDLY DENY ANY LOKPAL WITH THE HELP OF THESE CORRUPT. These corrupt are not against corruption rather they are icon of corruption. Pardon me, I can live without LOKPAL but not with support of OSAMA BIN LADEN and GEORGE BUSH. Any reasonable person should have been shouted back on Modi to give back his support. Look Anna, mostly, those on streets are not your supporter. I saw, in lucknow he was Surya Pratap Shahi leading your supporter, in Gujrat Modi factor. They want to take advantage of Anna to fulfil their political career. Anna is abusing government and wants us to support and after that some political parties will take a political mileage out of it. If Anna team is really serious and want the LOKPAL bill to be passed according to the standard or correction they want. They should try and meet all elected body in Indian parliament and set an agenda rather to blame governemnt to impose his Lokpal on parliament. Why not all the member of parliament who are supporting Anna in front of media, raise their voice in parliament.
Now, this issue is emotional rather than rational, where media hyped audience is making a mockery of democracy in such a sensitive issue which challenge entire constitution of India and some Idiot is comparing Great Gandhi with Anna. Gandhi was not like Anna. He never accepted support of any tyrant. Even he disengaged himself with a patriot like Bhagat singh when it comes to voilence so how come he will accept support of Modi & Co.
Now come to proposed draft, trillion rupees question is whether Anna’s Lokpal is practical and workable. Whether its basic idea of appointing ‘people’ to check into the corruption of other ‘people’ holds good. Do you think that bringing the PM and the Supreme court under its purview will be good for us.
In sum. Anna is proposing, create 10 positions of absolute power having power of CBI, judge, prosecution and stringent punishment with supposed power even over the elected prime minister and the Supreme court. He wants these positions of power to be vested in 10 members and one chairperson, out of which only four are required to have legal background without necessarily having any judicial experience. Who guarantee, these posts will not be vulnerable to misuse if Supreme court judge and prime minister can do so. This revolutionery idea is superfluous. Our hyper sensitive and emotionally driven country has grabbed it to create an issue out of something non-specific and trying to de-stabilize a government without actually offering a solution. What exactly are we doing with our online and offline campaign for Anna’s Lokpal. We are implying, like Anna, that the present government is not doing its job and should be replaced? Who will replace it, surely BJP probably with help of BSP. And who will be your prime minister – may be 6 Month Secular Mayawati and 6 Month Communal Advani (both are corrupt, they are neither secular nor communal). I prefer ManMohan I support ManMohan.
In Crux.
1. We should oppose corruption not government
2. Lokpal should be within boundaries of constitution
3. Lokpal is not the final nail in the coffin of corruption
4. Anna seems hacked and mislead by corrupt elements for their vested interests
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